Friday, July 6, 2012

Grab and Go Evacuation List

 photo from: American Preppers Network

I read many different blogs - not on a daily bases but once or twice a month I drop in and read the latest .  Well today when going through the blog list that I check on once and awhile I came across a GREAT tip.

If you had to evacuate what would you grab?
If you had 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, one hour?  Valerie correctly states that when we are stressed it's hard to think.

If you have it written down you can just grab and go.
I sat down and printed out my own 'grab and go list'.  It will be a bit different for every one.  Valerie gives a very complete list that you can use to help make your own.

It's always good to keep your gas tank 1/2 full to full.  Keep some cash on hand, cash is king and even if the power is down cash still spends.

Grab and Go Evacuation List

5 minutes
Safe (small fire safe with important docs (birth certs, insurance policy, etc.))
Dog, Dog leash  & Dog 72 hour kit
Cell phone 
72 hour kit (hall closet)
Red back-pack

15 minutes (add these)
Prescription meds  (I would say if  you take prescription meds you should have some in  your 72 hour kit.)
Cell phone charger
Pants, shirts, underwear, socks
Sleeping bags
Radio and extra batteries

30 minutes (add these)
First aid kit
Cooler with snacks
Harmonica (Craig)
Blue water jugs - fill

1 hour (add these)
Camp stove
Sleeping pads
Chain saw 

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