Sunday, September 9, 2012


Beautiful photos are public domain not mine.
But they are of our beautiful mountains and camping area.

We went camping for the weekend.  This was our fist time all summer...  We are campers and love to head to the mountains but DH worked almost non-stop all summer so camping wasn't on the list.

We finally got a weekend off.  #1 son called to say they were going to work on their house, so we took two granddaughters (2 years and 4 years old) camping too.  I can remember loading my two young sons up and going camping alone when DH just couldn't get away.   Let me tell you boys are MUCH different than girls!!  With boys you need a stream and some rocks.  Throw some swimming trunks in and you're packed!!

Little girls are a very different event.  Now mind you they get just as dirty and can roast a marshmallow or hot dog just the same.  But they require 'crafts'.  So we painted, we painted beautiful pictures, the table, legs and hands oh my!!!  Good thing all were washable.  At least that's what the  package said I guess we'll find out.  We collected - pretty rocks, beautiful fall leaves, and of course pitch.  They need to know all the cool stuff just like boys.

We made brownies. had a tea party, made individual pizzas.  So today we brought home two dirty little girls that were well loved, well fed, and well entertained.  We also brought home tons of dirty clothes, a dirty camper, a dog that smells a bit like fish and two tired grandparents.

Fun was had by all.
a little bird

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