Thursday, August 9, 2012

U.S. drought drives up food prices worldwide

From CNN Money:
The drought that's drying up the Heartland isn't just an American problem. It's causing food prices to surge worldwide.

And it could get worse.

"This is not some gentle monthly wake-up call, it's the same global alarm that's been screaming at us since 2008," said Colin Roche of Oxfam, noting that the drought could lead to food shortages for millions of people worldwide...  Read More  

I guess I better keep canning, freezing and putting by.
a little bird


  1. This is a serious problem. I think each year , it is getting worse and worse..
    I agree, I am putting up as much vegtables and fruit as I can this year..
    God gave us these crops and now it is our part , to put them up for our familes.
    Happy canning.

  2. The prices sure seem to be going up. We live on a budget and it seems that the grocery dollars just don't go as far as they used to. I watch the sales for sure.



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