Sunday, August 28, 2022

A Bit Cooler Today

 It is just a bit cooler today.  In the mid 80's and it feels so nice!  We have had so much heat for so long!!!  What a reprieve to have a day below 99 to 104.  It's supposed to warm again next week but maybe, just maybe, this means the weather will start the turn to the cooler side.

I love autumn.  It is my favorite season!!  I love the smells, the colors, the garden harvest.  I love the warm days and the crisp cool nights.  I guess my longing is showing. 😄

Our little garden is producing.  The fruits of our labor so to speak.  

The cucumbers are in a crock starting the fermentation process. Fermented Dill Pickles
My cucumbers are not the little ones, so I sliced them like a hamburger dill.
The tomatoes have been canned.  Canning Tomatoes
The carrots were grated and made into a carrot and raisin salad.

Our little garden is a sweet blessing, and we enjoy all its produce.
Think fall and enjoy something fresh from a garden near you!
~a little bird

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